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이준행 교수

  • 안질환 관련된 fibrosis 분자신호전달 연구
  • 안질환관련된 단백질 합성연구
  • angiogenesis 관련 단백질 연구

신종대 교수

  • x 염색체 불활성화에 관련된 신호전달 메커니즘 연구
  • 줄기세포 분화 관련 epigenetics 메커니즘 연구

박환우 교수

  • 노화 및 대사질환에 관련된 세포대사조절과 신호전달 연구
  • 노화 및 대사질환 관련 autophagy 손상 메커니즘 연구
  • 대사조절 및 질환 치료를 위한 치료후보물질 연구


이준행 교수

Choi W, Byun YJ, Jung E, Noh H, Hajrasouliha AR, Sadrai Z, Chang E, Lee JH, Lee HK. Chemokine decoy receptor D6 mimicking trap (D6MT) prevents allosensitization and immune rejection in murine corneal allograft model. J Leukoc Biol. 2015 Feb;97(2):413-24. (공동교신저자) Chung EJ, Lee HK, Jung SA, Lee SJ, Chee HY, Sohn YH, Lee JH. Transduction of PTEN proteins using the tat domain modulates TGF-β1-mediated signaling pathways and transdifferentiation in subconjunctival fibroblasts. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Jan 25;53(1):379-86. Chung EJ, Moon SW, Jung SA, Cho YJ, Kim SW, Lee JH. Potentiation of bortezomib-induced apoptosis by TGF-beta in cultured human Tenon's fibroblasts: contribution of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Invest Ophthal mol VisSci. 2010 Dec;51(12):6232-7. Chung H, Kim AK, Jung SA, Kim SW, Yu K, Lee JH. The Drosophila homologo methionine sulfoxidereductase A extends life span and increases nuclear localization of FOXO. FEBS Lett. 2010 Aug 20;584(16):3609-3614. Lee KS, Kwon OY, Lee JH, Kwon K, Min KJ, Jung SA, Kim AK, You KH, Tatar M,YuK.Drosophila short neuropeptide F signalling regulates growth by ERK-mediated insulin signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Apr;10(4):468-75. (공동제1저자)

신종대 교수

Shin J, Wallingford M, Gallant J, Marcho C, Jiao B, Byron M, Bossenz M,Lawrence J, Jones S, Mager J, Bach I. RLIM is dispensable for X- Chromosome inactivation in the mouse embryonic epiblast. Nature. 2014.511, 86-89. Jiao B, Ma H, Shokhirev M, Drung A, Shin J, Lu S, Byron M, Kalantry S, Mercurio A, Lawrence JB, Hoffmann A & Paternal RLIM/Rnf12 is survival factor for milk-producing aveolar cells. Cell. 2012. 149(3), 630-41. Shin J, Bossenz M, Chung Y, Ma H, Byron M, Taniguchi-Ishigaki N, Zhu X, Jiao B, Hall LL, Green MR, Jones SN, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Lawrence JB &.Maternal Rnf12/RLIM is required for imprinted Xchromosome inactivation in mice. Nature. 2010.467(7318), 977-81. Shin J, Gu C, Kim J, Transient activation of the MAP kinase signaling pathway by the forward signaling of EphA4 in PC12 cells. BMB Rep. 2008. 41(6), 479-84. Shin J, Gu C, Park E, Identification of Phosphotyrosine Binding Domain-Containing Proteins as Novel Downstream Targets of the EphA8 Signaling Function. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2007. 27(23), 8113-8126.

박환우 교수

Park HW, Lee JH. Calcium channel blockers as potential therapeutics for obesity-associated autophagy defects and fatty liver pathologies. Autophagy. 2014;10:2385-2386 Park HW, Park H, Semple IA, Jang I, Ro SH, Kim M, Cazares VA, Stuenkel EL, Kim JJ, Kim JS, Lee JH. Pharmacological correction of obesity-induced autophagy arrest using calcium channel blockers. Nature Communications. 2014;5:4834 Park HW, Park H, Ro SH, Jang I, Semple IA, Kim DN, Kim M, Nam M, Zhang D. Yin L, Lee JH. Hepatoprotective role of Sestrin2 against chronic ER stress. Nature Communications. 2014;5:423 Kim M*, Park HL*, Park HW* (*Co-first authors), Ro SH, Nam SG, Reed JM, Guan JL, Lee JH. Drosophila Fip200 is an essential regulator of autophagy that attenuates both growth and aging. Autophagy. 2013;9:1201-1213 Park HW, Lim MJ, Jung H, Lee SP, Paik KS, Chang MS. Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived schwann cell-like cells exhibit neurotrophic effects, via distinct growth factor production in a model of spinal cord injury. Glia. 2010;58:1118-1132