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명곡의과학연구소 심포지움 학술활동입니다.
2024.01.17 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움
  1. 1. Immune regulation and lymphatic development in Severe Preeclampsia - 권자영
  2. 2. Experimental evidence-based applications for endometrial regeneration - 강윤정
  3. 3. Harnessing high-performance computing infrastructure for scalable research using single-cell transcriptomics: examples in hematopoietic stem cells and pregnancy outcomes - 백효정
  4. 4. Effectiveness of intravenous immunoglobulins in women with recurrent pregnancy losses and cellular immune abnormalities – 한재원
2023.11.09 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움
  1. 1. Obesity enhances antiviral immunity in th genital mucosa through a microbiota-mediated effect on γδ T cells - 이홍규
  2. 2. Translating organoid medicine from the lab to the clinic - 송지현
  3. 3. Immunotherapy in reproduction - 이성기
  4. 4. 착상실패해결을 위한 자궁내막의 조절 - 강재구
  5. 5. Rutin : A natural protector against ROS-induced oxidative stress in female reproductive system – 신종대
2023.08.23 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움
  1. 1. Decursinol attenuates LPS-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation through reducing mitochondrial oxidative stress in trophoblasts - 이솔지
  2. 2. The miR-182-5p/NDRG1 axis controls endometrial receptivity through the NF-kB/ZEB1/E-cadherin pathway - 유성란
  3. 3. TOPK inhibits TNF-a-induced granulosa cell apoptosis via regulation of SIRT1/p53 - 박정환
2022.11.10 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움
  1. 1. Development of effective embryo production system for aged oocyte donors via anti-aging genes therapy - 공일근
  2. 2. Mechanism and therapeutic targets of endometriosis - 하기태
  3. 3. In vitro models for the study of implantation - 강윤정
  4. 4. Agonist antibody selection using in vivo screening system - 한경호
  5. 5. OA ameliorates oxidative stress in the mouse ovary via activation of Sirt1 - 배정윤
  6. 6. Targeting TBK1 attenuates LPS-induced NLRP3 inflammasomeactivation by regulating of mTORC1 pathways in trophoblasts - 신지하
2022.11.03 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 Satellite Symposium

Endometrial dysregulation in women with reproductive failure-Joanne Y.H. Kwak-Kim

2021.11.20 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움(제12차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
  1. 1. Differential mechanism of antibody generation in different mucosal virus infection - 오지은
  2. 2. argeting TBK1 attenuates LPS-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation in human trophoblasts - 신지하
  3. 3. Impairment of decidualization of endomaetrial stromal cells by hsa-miR-375 through NOX4 targeting - 유성란
  4. 4. SIRT1 ISGylation and its role in granulosa cell apoptosis - 오영미
2021.01.20 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움(제11차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
  1. 1. Mitochondrial noncoding RNAs: Function and potential application - 노지헌
  2. 2. Transcriptomic analysis and competing endogenous RNA network in the human endometrium between proliferative and mid-secretory phases - 유성란
  3. 3. Itaconic Acid: The surprising role of an industrial compound as a immunometavoic regulator - 김종석
  4. 4. An immune clock of human pregnancy - 백효정
  5. 5. The role of sirt1 in ovarian aging - 신종대
2019.11.22 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 전남대학교 동물의학연구소 joint 심포지움(제10차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
  1. 1.Role of TOPK in oxidative stress-induced granulosa cell apoptosis - 오상묵
  2. 2. SIRT1 suppresses invitro decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells through downregulation of FOXO1 expression - 유성란
  3. 3. Sestrin2 and autophagy in metabolic homeostasis: implicat ions for treating obesity-related diseases - 박환우
  4. 4. Constitutive release of 쳰1 in bile and its role as a protective cytokine during acute liver injury - 박민정
  5. 5. Application of fine dust to respiratory diseases - 신인식
  6. 6. Neurobehavioral approaches: mouse models for evaluating brain dysfunctions - 문창종
  7. 7. The research activity of KISTI for precision medicing using high-performance computing technology - 백효정
2019.02.20 헬스케어 데이터 사이언스 심포지움
  1. 1. 다국적 의료 빅데이터 분석 연구의 필요성과 방향 - 박래웅
  2. 2. 의료 빅데이터 real world data를 활용한 의약품 정보의 분석과 해석 - 이수현
  3. 3. 정밀의료 실현을 위한 유전체 정보 기반 의료 현장 적용 - 김경철
  4. 4. 산·학·연 연계 공동연구 활성화 방안 및 상생 전략 - 김승환
  5. 5. 의료 빅데이터의 임상적 활용 사례 - 김현성
  6. 6. 미래 정밀의료를 위한 정보의학교실의 역할과 전망 - 김주한
2018.11.21 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움(제9차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
  1. 1. A mechanism for the induction of type 2 immune responses by a protease allergen in the genital tract - Heung Kyu Lee
  2. 2. The Protective Role of Bacteroides fragilis in Colorectal Cancer Pathogenesis - Yun Kyung Lee
  3. 3. U. urealyticum infection contributes to development of pelvic endometriosis - Eui Jeong Noh
  4. 4. Role of antioxidant enzymes, sulfiredoxin and peroxiredoxin II, during ovulation in rodent - Sang Young Chun
  5. 5. Tight junctions integrity is a predictor of successful art in mouse model - In Chul Choi
  6. 6. Progress in the preterm birth metabolite biomarker discovery and artificial intelligence in mass spectrometry data interpretation - Han bin Oh
  7. 7. Massive perivillous fibrin deposition in miscarriages - Chong Jai Kim
  8. 8. A mechanism for the induction of type 2 immune responses by a protease allergen in the genital tract - Aihua Liao
2018.08.23 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움(제8차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
  1. 1. Novel role of peripheral serotonin as an obesity hormone - 김하일
  2. 2. Role of autophagy in extravillous tophoblast function under lipotocity - 박환우
  3. 3. CFP1-dependent epigenetic regulation in female reproduction - 송행석
  4. 4. Endometrial receptivity test for implantatiton failure - 서동준
2017.12.20 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소, 면역질환연구회 심포지움 (제7차 대한면역학회 생식면역연구회 공동개최)
< 면역이상에 의한 유산조산 연구 >
  1. 1. 유산/조산에서 혈관발달 - 이기모
  2. 2. 유산/조산에서 인플라마좀과 오토파지 역할 - 이성기
  3. 3. 조산의 조기진단 마커 개발 - 강덕진
  4. 4. 염증에 의한 유산/조산 동물모델 개발 - 박종환
2017.11.08 명곡의과학연구소 중점연구소 심포지움
  1. 1. Ovarian aging - 이경아
  2. 2. Regulation of endometrial receptivity - 하기태
  3. 3. Role of NK cells in reproduction - Atsushi Fukui
  4. 4. 저출산위기 극복을 위한 건양대학교 중점연구소의 역할 - 이성기
2006.07.02 췌담도
2005.06.24 2nd Konyang fMRI Symposium (정신과 영역에서의 fMRI를 이용한 임상연구)
2004.11.24 폐암(lung cancer)
2003.06.13 konyang fMRI Symposium (fMRI를 이용한 신경과학 연구의 이론과 실제)
2002.09.07 유방암 국제심포지엄(Research, diagnosis and treatment in breast cancer)
2002.06.28 recent trends of tumor invasion and metastasis