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Intravenous Anesthetic, Propofol Affects Synaptic Responses in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells.
Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 31;16(2):176-183, 2018.
Hydrogen peroxide inhibits Ca2+ efflux through plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase in mouse parotid acinar cells.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 22(2):215-223, 2018.
Ethanol suppresses carbamylcholine-induced intracellular calcium oscillation in mouse pancreatic acinar cells.
Alcohol. 63:53-59, 2017.
Hydrogen peroxide attenuates refilling of intracellular calcium store in mouse pancreatic acinar cells.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 21(2):233-239, 2017.
Propofol effects on cerebellar long-term depression.
Neurosci Lett, 16;609:18-22. 2015.
Mycobacterial HBHA induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis through the generation of reactive oxygen species and cytosolic Ca2+ in murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells.
Cell Death and Disease. 4,(e957), 2013.
Regulation of Ca2+ release through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors by adenine nucleotides in parotid acinar cells.
American Journal of Physiology. 302(1), G97-G104, 2012.
Exendin-4 Protects Against Sulfonylurea-Induced β-Cell Apoptosis.
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 118(1), 65-74, 2012.
Alteration of Ryanodine-receptors in Cultured Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.
Kim EJ, Kim DK, Kim SH, Lee KM, Park HS, Kim SH.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 15(6):431-6, 2011.
Measurement of intracellular calcium concentration in pancreatic acini.
Pancreapedia. 10,(34), 2011.
Ca2+-induced Ca2+ Release from Internal Stores in INS-1 Rat Insulinoma Cells.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 15(1), 53-59, 2011.
Altered Purkinje cell responses and calmodulin expression in the spontaneously ataxic mouse, Pogo
Eur J Neurosci. 33(8), 1493-503, 2011.
Alteration of Ryanodine-receptors in Cultured Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 15(6), 431-436, 2011.
Caffeine and 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl Borate (2-APB) Have Different Ability to Inhibit Intracellular Calcium Mobilization in Pancreatic Acinar Cell.
Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 14(2), 105-111, 2010.
Effects of gonadal steroid hormones on amylase secretion in pancreatic lobules of rats.
Pancreas. 34(3):373-7, 2007.
Pancreatic exocrine response to long-term high-fat diets in rats.
JOP. 10;7(4):397-404, 2006.