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Bak DH, Yu KS, Jeong JH, Choi DR, Gil MN, Seo CM, Lee NS, Lee JH, Jeong YG, Kim DK, Kim DK, Kim JJ, Han SY. Autophagy enhancement contributes to synergistic effect of vitamin D in temozolomide-based glioblastoma chemotherapy. Exp Ther Med. Jeong JH, Kim JJ*, Bak DH, Yu KS, Lee JH, Lee NS, Jeong YG, Kim DK, Kim DK, Han SY. Protective effects of indole-3-carbinol-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. Yang CS, Kim JJ, Kim TS, Lee PY, Kim SY, Lee HM, Shin DM, Nguyen LT, Lee MS, Jin HS, Kim KK, Lee CH, Kim MH, Park SG, Kim JM, Choi HS, Jo EK. Small heterodimer partner interacts with NLRP3 and negatively regulates activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Nat Commun. 2015 Feb 6;6:6115. Blood-brain barrier-permeable fluorone-labeled dieckols acting as neuronal ER stress signaling inhibitors. JH Kwak, Z Yangb, B Yoon, Y He, S Uhm, H Shin, BH Lee, YC Yoo, KB Lee , JS Kim, SY Han, Biomaterials 61 (2015): 52–60 Synthesis of rhodamine-labelled dieckol: its unique intracellular localization and potent anti-inflammatory activity. JH Kwak, Y He, B Yoon, S Koo, Z Yang, EJ Kang, BH Lee, SYHan, YC Yoo, KB Lee, JS Kim, Chem commun 50 (2014): 13045-8 Neuroprotective Effect of Estradiol-Loaded Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles on Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxic Neuronal Death. JH Kim, GH Kim, JH Jeong,IH Lee, YJ Lee, NS Lee, YG Jeong, JH Lee, KS Yu, SH Lee, SK Hong, SH Kang, BS Kang, DK Kim, SYHan, nanosci nanotech 14(2014): :8390-7 Yang CS, Kim JJ*, Lee HM, Jin HS, Lee SH, Park JH, Kim SJ, Kim JM, Han YM, Lee MS, Kweon GR, Shong MH, Jo EK. The AMPK-PPARGC1A pathway is required for antimicrobial host defense through activation of autophagy. Autophagy. 2014 May; 10(5):785-802. Protective Effects of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles Loaded with Erythropoietin stabilized by Sodium Cholate Against glutamate-Induced Neurotoxicity. JH Jeong, SH Kang, JH Kim, KS Yu, IH Lee, YJ Lee, JH Lee, NS Lee, YG Jeong, DK Kim, GH Kim, SH Lee, SK Hong, BS Kang, SYHan, J nanosci nanotech 14(2014): 8365-71 So-An Park, Je-Hun Lee, Yeong-Seok Nam, Xiaochun An, Seung-Ho Han, Ki-Yong Ha. Topographical antomy of the anterior cervical approach for c2-3 level. European Spine Journal. Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Seung-Ho Han, Michael Y, Xiaochun An, pes anserine and anserine bursitis: anatomical study. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. In press All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Rescues Neurons After Global Ischemia by Attenuating Neuroinflammatory Reactions. Neurochem Res DOI 10.1007/s11064-013-1178-x Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013 Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Seung-Ho Han, Michael Y, Xiaochun An, The significance of tibial and common peroneal nerve in nerves block. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 35:211-215 (2013) Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Seung-Ho Han. The effective zone of Botulinum toxin A injections in hallux claw toe syndrome: an anatomical study. Muscle and nerve. 45:217-221 (2012) Research for Purkinje cell death of cerebellar ataxic mutant mice, Pogo, funded by Myung-gok medical research center (as a role of investigator in charge) ; 9/2010-8/2011 Sequence analysis of mutation in ataxic mice, Pogo originated from Korean wild mice and development of its behavioral test index, funded by Korea Ministry of education, sciece and technology (as a role of investigator in charge) ; 10/2010-5/2011 Study for neuroprotective effect and mechanism of various Ca2+ channel blockers: Using in vivo and ex vivo ischemic neuronal injury model, granted by Korea Research Foundation (as a role of investigator in charge) Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Seung-Ho Han, Xiaochun An, Rak-Hee Chung, The effective zone of Botulinum toxin A injections in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 33:185-190 (2011) Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Xiaochun An, Rak-Hee Chung, Seung-Ho Han. Location of the motor entry point and intramuscular motor point of the tibialis posterior muscle: for effective motor point block. Clinical anatomy. 24:91-96(2011). Je-Hun Lee, Be-Na Lee, Seoung-Oh Kwon, Rak-Hee Chung, Seung-Ho Han. Anatomical localization of submandibular gland for botulinum toxin injection. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 32:945-949(2010) Je-Hun Lee, Hye Won Kim, Sun Im, Xiaochun An, Mi-Sun Lee, Woo-Young Lee, Seung-Ho Han. Localization of Motor Points and Terminal Intramuscular Nerve Endings of the Musculocutaneous Nerve to Biceps and Brachialis Muscles. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 32. 213-220 (2010). Xiaochun An, Je-Hun Lee, Hye Won Kim, Sun Im, Mi-Sun Lee, Kun Hwang, Seung-Ho Han. Anatomic Localization of Motor Entry Points and Intramuscular Nerve Endings in the Hamstring Muscles. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 32.529-537. 2010. Sun Im, Seung Ho Han, Jin Hwan Choi, Je Hun Lee, Young Jin Ko, Jong In Lee, Hye Won Kim. Anatomic Localization of Motor Points for the Neuromuscular Blockade of Hand Intrinsic Muscles Involved in Thumb-in-Palm. American J of Physl Med&Rehabilitation.vol.87,No.9.September 2008 Yi-Suk Kim, Deog-Im Kim, Dae-Kyoon Park, Je-Hun Lee, Nak-Eun Chung, Won-Tae Lee, Seung-Ho Han. Assessment of Histomorphological Features of the Sternal End of the Fourth Rib for Age Estimation in Koreans. J Forensic Sci,November 2007,Vol.52,No.6 Je-Hun Lee, Deog-Im Kim, Yi-Suk Kim, Dae-Kyoon Park, Seung-Ho Han. The estimation of maximum femur length using long bone in Koreans. Korean J Phys Anthropol 18(4):247~254, 2005 A novel somatostatin-immunoreactive mossy fiber pathway associated with HSP25-immunoreactive purkinje cell stripes in the mouse cerebellum. J Comp Neurol. 2009; 1;517(4): 524-538 Striking pattern of Purkinje cell loss in cerebellum of an ataxic mutant mouse, tottering. Acta Neurobiol Exp. 2009; 69(1): 138-145. 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1. A Composition for enhancing anti-cancer effect of Temozolomide comprising 20(S)-protopanaxatriol and salt thereof. Patent Application No. 10-2015-0156097 (2015.11.06)
2. Composition comprising nanoparticle of Indole-3-carbinol for protecting neuronal cell. Patent Application No. 10-2015-0099982 (2015.07.14)
3. Composition comprising Indole-3-carbinol for protecting neuronal cell Patent Application No. 10-2015-0096748 (2015.07.07)
4. Combination comprising Temozolomide and Vitamin D for the treatment of glioblastoma Patent Application No. 10-2015-0090859 (2015.06.26)